Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bacon Sausage Quiche

Bacon Sausage Quiche
Have you ever had one of those days where everything went wrong and then when it was time to cook dinner, there was nothing thawed? 

Well, this is the meal for just that kind of day. 
I have to admit that I keep Pillsbury pie crust rolls in the refrigerator because, while I can make a flaky crust, this is just quicker and easier.  I usually have breakfast sausage and bacon, too.  So this just works. 
I use kitchen shears to cut the bacon in very small pieces before cooking it.  This helps to get the bacon crispy and a uniform size.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.

1 Pie Crust
3 slices of bacon, cut very fine
1/4 pound of Breakfast Sausage, (I used Jimmie Dean Brand)
2 Tablespoons of Margarine
4 Eggs

Butter a pie pan and place the pie crust in it. Set aside.
Cook bacon and sausage in a skillet until bacon is brown and crispy and the sausage is cooked.  Remove the meat from skillet and put it in a even layer in the bottom of the pie crust.  Try to leave the grease in the skillet.
Beat the eggs in a bowl with the margarine and pour over the meat in the pie crust.  The margarine will be lumpy and will not totally combine with eggs.
Bake at 425 degrees for about 25 minutes or until the eggs are cooked and set.  You can test the eggs with a cake tester.  When the tester comes out clean the quiche is done. Try not to let the eggs brown.  Let cool for a few minutes before serving.  Easy, easy!




  1. I made the quiche last night and was so easy! And it turned out tasting even better! Amy

  2. I am so glad that you liked the quiche. It is easy and takes so little time! Tastes great, too.
