Sunday, November 27, 2011

Crepes with Pears and Apples

Crepes with Pears and Apples
Need something for Sunday Brunch.  This is light, lightly sweet and tender.  The crepe has no sugar in it but this topping does.  When you make this start the batter in a blender to refine the flour unless you have a quick blending flour.  Since I do not, I use the blender.
You can also mix the batter several hours ahead and let the flour absorb the liquid. Just remember to refrigerate it while you wait.
You will need a small pan, preferably non-stick, with a 6" bottom.  However, I do not have that either, so I used my smallest pan which is about 8".  Start pouring the batter at the center of the pan and circle out.  You can get a 6" crepe that way. Or just use the entire pan and have a larger crepe. You will just get fewer crepes.
Wash the Pear thoroughly and reserve the peel.

For the Crepes

In a blender, add
2/3 cup of milk
2/3 cup of water
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of flour
blend this until it is smooth. 
You can add a very small amount of extra water, if needed, but try not to do this.
Pour the batter into a large bowl or measuring cup, at least 4 cups, and beat in, by hand,
3 large eggs.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Now make the pear and apple topping.

1 pear, peeled, seeded, and thinly sliced
1 apple, peeled, seeded and thinly slice
1 Tablespoon of Butter
1/4 cup of unsweetened Apple Juice
In a saucepan, melt the butter over low to medium heat. Add the pear and apple slices. Cook until slightly until just tender.  Add apple juice and lower the heat.  Cook until the sauce is thickened, set aside.

Candied Pear Peel

Julianne the Pear peeling and make a simple syrup of 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup sugar.  Bring the simple syrup to a boil and then add the strips of peel. Gently stir the strips to keep the from sticking together as much as possible.  Cook until the water is removed but the syrup is not browned.  Remove peel to a  lightly buttered plate and shape the peel.  Remember that the peel is candied and is very hot. You will need to use forks to shape it. Set aside to cool.

To cook the crepes
Stir the batter to make sure it is smooth.  Set a plate beside to remove the crepes to when cooked. Make 24 squares of wax paper to place between the crepes.  Heat the pan to medium high and spray with vegetable oil or brush with oil. Using a 1/4 cup as a ladle, fill half full.  If you are using a pan larger than 6", you will need a little extra batter.  Use the first crepe to determine how much more is needed. Start at the center of the pan, making a swirling motion and pour out.  Let the crepe cook until it is at the point of starting to brown at the edges.  Shake the crepe pan and the crepe will usually loosen.  With a spatula, carefully flip the crepe and let it cook only a few seconds on the other side.  Remove and place a wax paper square over it and repeat until all of the batter is used. The brown side is turned into the inside of the crepe so that it does not show.

To serve
Place a folded crepe on the serving plate and top with pear and apple. Then a strip of candied pear peel.

*STORING-You may make the crepes ahead and store in the refrigerator up to 2 days ahead. Do not place wax paper between the crepes during refrigeration or freezing.
 Let the crepes cool on the plate with the wax paper and then remove the wax paper.  Any extra crepes can be thoroughly wrapped, 4 together in foil and then placed in a large freezer bag and frozen for 1 month. When ready to use, defrost and place in a 300 degree oven until warmed through and crepes are easily separated. About 10 minutes.

This sounds like a lot stress but it really goes fast and is a wonderful treat.  I hope that you try making crepes.



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