Sunday, December 4, 2011

Brulee'd Bourbon Sweet Potato Casserole

Brulee'd Bourbon Sweet Potato
 You may think that this recipe is gilding the lilly but it is wonderful.  I do not know if "brulee'd" is even a word but I do love what it implies. A crust of brown sugar that has been broiled to harden. When struck with the edge of a spoon, it cracks. This was one of the best sweet potato casseroles that I have ever eaten and I am proud of  this recipe.  I hope that you try it.
You can bake the sweet potatoes before hand and then refrigerate until use.

3 pounds Sweet Potatoes, (there will be leftover)
1/2 cup Sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup of Molasses
1/4 cup of Bourbon
4 Tablespoons of Butter or Margarine, softened
1 large Egg
1 teaspoon of Vanilla extract
1/4 cup of Brown Sugar(reserve)

Bake the sweet potatoes at 400 degrees for about 1 hour or until the flesh is tender.  Let cool and mash the sweet potatoes. Butter an 8 cup casserole dish and heat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat together 3 cups of  mashed sweet potatoes, sugar, milk, molasses, bourbon, butter or margarine, egg and vanilla. Spoon into the prepared dish and bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes. Carefully remove from oven and turn broiler on.  When it has heated to 500 degrees, sprinkle the reserved brown sugar over the casserole and place under the broiler. Keep an eye on the brown sugar.  Not all of it will melt. This takes about 7 minutes in my electric oven. If you have a gas oven, it may go a bit quicker. Once the majority of the sugar appears to change to a more liquid state, remove and let the casserole cool at least 10 minutes before serving.  Assign someone the honor of cracking the sugar crust.



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