Sunday, January 1, 2012

Chocolate Cake Trifle

Chocolate Cake Trifle
Have you ever spent a lot of time on a project and it failed? Well, that is what has happened with this Chocolate Cake Trifle.
I was developing a wonderful, delicious, soul-soothing recipe.  This cake had all the makings of a dessert that came complete with angels singing. It was crafted from unsweetened chocolate, cocoa, literally a pound of Butter, and an assortment of sugars to compliment the bitter chocolate. Not so much sugar to be overly sweet and not so much chocolate to be bitter.  It was going to be heavenly, thus the angels singing.

But I have found over the years that angels do not come to sing or sooth souls when the cook gets a head of herself.  So now, I have a rich, perfectly flavored, DRY as a bone chocolate cake. I will continue to work on the chocolate cake recipe and, eventually, you will see it.  Right now, I have a chocolate cake with too many resources invested, and I refuse to throw it out.  I decide to make a Trifle. I cut the cake into chunks and drizzle it with Amaretto and Cherry Juice.  Then I go to the refrigerator to get the Whipping Cream.  It will save this cake by adding moisture, remember there is already a pound of butter in the cake. Can you see where this is going? When I poured the cream into the mixing bowl there was a 1/4 of a cup, if that much. So I took the the Cool-Whip out of the freezer to thaw and whipped up the cream.

This post is more about what to do with a mistake than how to make a proper cake.  It is a  post about how to bunt when you really wanted to hit a home run. It is a post about realizing that while you are not going to be the hero, you can keep from being a zero.

I used half of the cake to make this trifle.  The other half is now in the freezer, waiting for a couple of ideas that are rolling around.

Here is the recipe.

1/2 of a Dry Cake
4-6 Tablespoons of Amaretto
4-6 Tablespoons of Maraschino Cherry Juice
6 Tablespoons of Maraschino Cherries, chopped
2 cups of Whipping Cream, beaten with sugar or a 20 ounce container of Cool Whip

Cut the cake into medium size chunks and drizzle with Amaretto and Cherry Juice. Let that soak for about an hour.  In a pretty bowl, layer cake, then whipped cream or Cool Whip and then chopped cherries.  Reserve a few cherries for the top. Continue until you have used all of the cake and whipped cream or Cool whip. Ending with whipped cream or Cool Whip. Garnish with cake crumbles and reserved cherries.  Refrigerate for 8 hours.

Enjoy and when life gives you dry cake, make a Trifle or something just as delicious!


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