Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy President's Day

You are not getting a recipe today. You will understand why, in a moment.  I have to go out of town this morning and I managed to throw a breaker and set off the smoke alarm.  See post "My Kitchen" from 2/16/12.  This has thrown me behind and I am one to be puncutual.  Not today, my friends. 
So on this President's Day, I hope that you join me in being THANKFUL for living in a country that allows us all to have our own points of view.  And THANKFUL to our founding fathers , most of whom died in prision or paupers becaused they believed that people, their descendents, should have it better than they did.  Many of them had personal historys that, today, would raise eyebrows. But they stood together.  So for all of the American heros, proclaimed or not, join me in gratitude to their sacrifice.

And for those of you who read my post and do not live in this country, I wish you a very happy day, as well.  Many Blessings!

Have a Happy President's Day!


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