Sunday, June 10, 2012

Poached Shrimp Tacos

Debbie Robinson is moving away from us, so Shirley, Chris,  and I thought we should have one more evening with her before she heads to the beach.  I know, tough life for Debbie, huh? I have to say that there is nothing more enjoyable than a meal shared with good friends and good wine.  And what could make a better brunch than that combination!

In honor of her moving back to the Gulf Coast, we decided we should have Shrimp Tacos. I added a little surprise to recipe that gives the shrimp a lovely little nuance. I can hardly wait for you try it.
When I got the shrimp home from H.E.B., these beauties were already deveined.  That was very convenient and made life a lot simpler.  If you have to devein your shrimp, use a sharp knife and carefully run it down the outside of the back; then remove the dark vein. It is very easy but if you have never done it before, allow extra time to do this.  You do not have to devein shrimp, but the larger the shrimp, the more necessary it becomes because it makes the shrimp more attractive. These were very large shrimp about 16 per pound.

2 pounds of Shrimp
1 Lemon
1 Tablespoon of Black Pepper Corns
2 Bay Leaves
1 cup of Lemon-Lime drink, I used Sprite
4 cups of Water

Put water and Sprite in a large stock pot.  Slice lemon in half, squeeze into the liquid, then put the lemon halves into the pot with the liquid.  Tie the pepper corns and bay leaves into a small piece of cheese cloth and throw that in the liquid, also.  Bring to a rolling boil.  Once the liquid is boiling, remove from heat and add the shrimp.  Cover and let the shrimp poach in the water for about 5 minutes.  The shrimp should turn pink.  Drain into a colander and then peel the shrimp.  Coarsely chop the shrimp and refrigerate until ready to use.  Shrimp should be chilled before serving.



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