Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Corn Relish and The 4th of July

We are having a Hot Dog Bar for our July 4th celebration.  With the extreme heat of this summer, already underway, this works out perfectly.  It takes very little time to assemble and we get to spend time with our guests.

There are as many items on the bar as you like.  Ours has the usual things; chili, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped onions, pickle relish, and mustard.  But we also added a few new condiments that will shake up your hot dog; Feta cheese, chopped green olives, tomatos, and corn relish. (Recipe for corn relish is below.)

Include some sausage for those who want something a little more hearty.   Add an ice box pie and you have a great party with very little effort.

This is one of those dishes that is made in a pinch. I would have added other ingredients such as pimentos or red bell pepper, but I was out of both and did not have time to run to the store.  I live in a rural area so that is an ordeal for me.  But I used basic concepts to arrive at this crisp and tasty relish.  That is what should be considered when inventing new recipes.  Start with something that you know works, I started with a classic vinegar dressing used for Cole slaw and went from there.  If you are trying out an idea that is a little out there, make it for yourself first before you decide to put it on a menu. I say this from experience.
 My Aunt Nell is the only person I know who could "wing it".  She would make a new recipe on Saturday, take it to a church social on Sunday, and it would be the hit of the meal. I am not that attuned to what foods will complement each other.  I have to make it first, sometimes many times over, before it works. But if you use established methods and combinations, you can "wing it", a little.  I did with this and it turned out great!
When planning an event, the first thing to consider are food allergies and dislikes.  This is something that I watch because both Nancy and I have allergies to certain foods.  Hers are worse than mine.  My daughter has a reaction to certain types of dairy products. Several of my friends are vegetarian, some are vegan; some friends are at the other end of the food chain and eat low-carb. Then there are foods that guests just might not like.  For instance, my son does not like any nuts except for almonds. Ask your guests if there is anything they do not eat, and then work around it. It is usually limited to a few items and it is easy to plan around.

1 14.5 ounce can of Whole Kernel Corn, no sugar added
1/4 medium Onion, finely chopped to the size of the corn kernels
1 medium Bell Pepper, finely chopped to the size of the corn kernels
1 tsp Flour
1/2 cup of White Vinegar
1/2 cup of Balsamic Vinegar
1 tsp Salt
2 tsp of Sugar
dash of Turmeric

Drain corn completely; combine with the onion and bell pepper in a bowl. Set aside.
Mix flour, sugar, turmeric, salt and balsamic vinegar together, working out any lumps.  Bring white vinegar to a boil and stir flour-vinegar mixture. Boil a few minutes until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour over vegetables, cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

Thanks to Nancy Wulff and Karen Keyser for all of the help!



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