Sunday, February 26, 2012

Margarita Pie

This started as my mom's lemon pie, which she made with sour oranges, also called Seville Oranges.  We had a sour orange tree in our front yard when I was growing up and we used the juice from the oranges like everyone else used lemon juice.  The orange-ade from the juice was such a summertime treat.  My mom would harvest and juice the oranges and then freeze the juice.  Then we had "lemon" juice all year long. 
My sister had sent me my mother's recipe a couple of months ago.  I baked the pie, but when I served it, both the custard and meringue wept. (Runny).  So while I was driving today, I thought about making another pie only reducing the liquid and using the Margarita Mix that I had in the bar.  This is the best citrus pie I have ever eaten.   My son suggested the topping, so I went with it.  When experimenting, complete the task.  So here is the recipe, I hope that you enjoy it as much as we do!

1 9 inch pre-baked pie shell

1/4 cup of Corn Starch
1 cup of Sugar
1/2 teaspoon of Salt, because what is a Margarita without Salt?
1 1/2 cups of Margarita Mix, divided, I used Jose Cuervo
3 Egg Yolks, refrigerate the whites for a later use
1 Tablespoon of Margarine

In a large sauce pan, combine corn starch, sugar and 1/2 cup of Margarita Mix.  Beat egg yolks and combine with corn starch mixture.  Add the rest of the Margarita Mix and salt then whisk. You can substitute 1/2 of a cup of Tequila for 1/2 of a cup of Margarita Mix in this addition, but remember that only about half of the alcohol cooks out. So if people who should not be consuming alcohol are going to be eating this, stick with Margarita Mix, only. Bring mixture just to boiling over low to medium heat.  Simmer gently for five minutes, whisking constantly.  Remove from heat to thickened mixture.  Stir thoroughly until blender.  Pour into baked pie shell. Let cool.


1 cup of Sour Cream
1 cup of Powdered Sugar
1/4 cup of Coconut

Mix all ingredients with an electric mixer until blended.  Spread on top of cooled custard. Refrigerate until firm.

Cute Curly-Q's
1/4 cup of Sugar
1/4 cup of Water
strips of Lime Rind

Bring sugar and water to a boil in a small saucepan.  Let it reduce and thicken.  Once it is reduced by about half, add the lime rind.  Let the rind cook until the syrup starts to turn a light shade of green.  Remove and cool. Be careful the syrup can cause 3 degree burns! Once you are able to handle the rind, shape into curly-q's.  Let cool completely and arrange on the pie.
Slice and Enjoy!


Printable Recipe:

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