Friday, June 22, 2012

Rejuvenating Banana Smoothie

Yesterday, I had a long day, outside.  I had planned ahead, the night before I took Potassium and froze a big towel.  Then when I was ready to go out, I put on 100 spf block, made sure to take plenty of hydrating liquid and got my frozen towel.  By the end of the day, I was sick as a dog.  When Chris came to pick me up, his exact words were "You don't look so good".  I had gotten overheated and had leg cramps. Thanks to Johnny McMillan and Chris for making sure that I was okay and got home.

So today, I am taking Magnesium, Potassium, and drinking this delicious Banana Smoothie.  This was something that I made for Amy and Chris when they were little kids and it has stayed with our family.  It is a great way to get kids to eat something a little better for them than cereal, especially during summer months when they are participating in so many outdoor activities.  You can  turn this into a soft serve ice cream just by using less milk. 
I start by purchasing the cheaper, overripe bananas that just have spots and a bruise or two.  Try to avoid the totally brown, mushy ones. Then I peel all of the bananas, break into chunks and put them in a freezer safe bag.  Pull out approximately 1 banana for each recipe, but adjust to your taste.

1 Frozen Banana, peeled and chunked
1/2 to 1 cup of milk, depending on your taste
Small amount of Sweetener, what ever you like
1 teaspoon of Whey Protein or Wheat Germ, if desired
Cinnamon for garish

Place banana, milk, sweetener, and whey protein or wheat germ in a blender.  Blend until smooth.  Pour into a beautiful glass, garish with cinnamon and add a straw.  Yummy!



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