Monday, June 18, 2012

Shrimp and Squash Spaghetti Alfredo

I love this time of year, when gardens start to make profusely. I did not put a garden in this year but have had other people share their produce with me.  The produce in the photo above is complements of the Aultman's, who live in Limestone County. They gave 2 giant bags of assorted produce to Shirley and she shared with us. This is some of the largest squash I have ever seen.  Usually, when squash get this large, the seeds are hard and the flesh is woody tasting.  These squash were tender with small seeds. Absolutely wonderful. 
So this is the first meal I made with part of 2 of the squash.

2 cups of  Cooked Shrimp, chopped into large pieces
2 cups of Squash, chopped into pieces equal to the size of the shrimp
1 Tablespoon of Sepay Groves Olive Oil
1 cup of Whipping Cream
1/2 cup of Butter or Margarine
3/4 cup of Grated Fresh Parmesan Cheese
2 Tablespoons of Dry Parsley Flakes or 1/4 cup of Fresh Parsley, chopped
1/2 teaspoon of Garlic Powder

Bring water to a boil and cook spaghetti.  Once that has started, heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.  Add Squash, salt,  and cook until you get it to the desired crispness.  I cooked mine about 10 minutes.  Add cooked shrimp and cover.  Remove from heat
In a sauce pan over medium, melt butter in the whipping cream.  Cook until the butter has melted.  Add the cheese, parsley and garlic powder.  Remove from heat and stir until cheese melts.  Pour over the squash and shrimp.  Drain noodles and toss.  Let cool for 5 minutes before serving. The sauce will be a little loose at first, but as the dish starts to cool, it will thicken up.



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