Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Strawberry Lazy Day Duff

This is my version of a Lazy Day Duff.  My mom made one with peaches and a different topping. Hers was always delicious.  Maybe I will share her recipe in the future.  For now, this is the one that I am posting.  It is so easy, there is no reason for anyone to run out and purchase a pie. 
I asked Chris if he could identify the topping but he could not.  None of your friends will be able to guess how very easy this is to make (unless you tell them).

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

4 cups of Fresh or Frozen Strawberries, sliced. If using frozen strawberries, thaw completely before starting recipe.
1/4 to 3/4 cup of Sugar, depending on how sweet the strawberries are.
1/3 cup of Corn Starch


1 stick of Butter or Margarine, melted
1/2 cup of Sugar
3 slices of White Sandwich Bread

Butter an 8" X 8" inch oven proof dish and set aside.
Taste strawberries and decide how much sugar the strawberries will need. Place strawberries in a bowl and gently stir in sugar.  Allow strawberries to sit in sugar about 30 minutes.  Toss with corn starch and place in prepared pan.
Tear bread into small pieces.  Place in blender and blend on high until bread crumbs have formed.  Add 1/2 cup of sugar and blend again until mixed.  Place bread crumbs and sugar in a large bowl and pour melted butter over the top.  Mix to combine.  Dollop bread crumb mixture over the top of strawberries.  Bake at 375 degrees until slightly browned, about 50 minutes.  Remove and let cool before serving.  We found that this was delicious the day it was made but much better when refrigerated overnight.  Serve with some fresh whipped cream or ice cream.



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