Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Cousin's Cousin

Cake designed by Lisa's Cakes and More

My Aunt Veta turns 90 years young today!  Chris and I were honored to be invited to her surprise party, last  Saturday, and we had a blast!  Everyone should have a least one Aunt Veta.  I have lovely aunts, each one has brought something special to me. But this post is about my Aunt Veta. She had a great many family and friends who came to wish her birthday greetings, as well.

Lyle Lovett recorded a song about riding a train to Corsicana with Aunt Veta.  That song reflects my aunt.  She is witty and joyous.  She married my Uncle Jim, a few days before he shipped out to the European theater, during World War II.  Over the years, I have had a opportunity to meet the family from her side, thus My Cousin's Cousin is not my cousin but should be.  Today is no exception to that line of thinking.
John and Shirley Gail have a wonderful home  and opened it up to us.  They have spent several years remodeling this old house and it is absolutely gorgeous.  The interior has been stripped down to the solid lumber and walls have been cut out, cut down, removed, and/or rebuilt.  They have shopped at garage sales, thrift stores, and antique markets to fill the house with  period pieces.

Italiam Cream Cake

It is appropriate that the food for this feast was delicious because Aunt Veta is one of the best cooks around.  When I was a teenager, my parents moved from South Texas to Limestone County.  While they were moving, I stayed with Uncle Jim and Aunt Veta.  She taught me how to make the best cheese sandwiches, homemade corn dogs, and pie.  The recipes for those items, on this blog, are inspired by her.
So I guess you do get an Aunt Veta, Aunt Nell, Aunt Cathy, Aunt Sally,Aunt Edith, Aunt Edna, Aunt Cecil Mae, Aunt Nan, Aunt Ovie with host of cousins and cousin's cousins, after all.
Happy Birthday Aunt Veta, I hope that you have had as many blessings in your life, as you have brought to mine!


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